Hey girls and all the women out there reading my blog... I want to say something to you. Fight for what you love! But don't ever bag. Wear what you want to wear, but don't let to be told how to dress. By this I mean that sometimes our stronger halfs give them selfs the right to manipulate your style just because they think they can. Don't let them. If you feel like wearing the tight jeans or the short skirt just wear it. If he truly loves you he will be with you no metter the deepness of your decolte, hight of your skirt or the tightness of your pants. Don't let anyone change yourself and kill your inner vibe. Women power ✌🏻️
(serbian translation bellow)
Ćao svim devojkama i ženama koje prate moj blog... Želim da vam kažem nešto. Morate se boriti za ono što želite! Bio to posao koji volite, ljubav ili nešto treće...Ali nikada nikog nemojte da molite. Ovde ću se osvrnuti konkretno na oblačenje. Ponekad u nekim vezama sa našom jačom polovinom dolazimo u situacije gde će oni reći - Ta haljina ti je preuska, suknja prekratka, pantalone previše uz telo... O čemu se tu zapravo radi? To su pokušaji manipulacije vašim stajlingom a time i vas samih. Jer zar mi nismo ono što oblačimo, i preko našeg stila iskazujemo i zastupamo sebe zar ne? Pod slobodom oblačenja svakako ne želim da poručim da sada treba da izgledamo kao starlete i slično, Daleko od toga... Ali one sate koje imamo u toku dana kada nismo na poslu ili školi, već jednostavno odemo na kafu sa prijateljcom ili sa njim, onda zaista moramo i imamo potrebu da to što obučemo bude ono kako se osećamo i kako smo zaista želeli da izgledamo. Women power ✌🏻️
I was wearing:
Gucci sunglasses,
Chloe bag,
DVF short pants,
Celyn B, shirt,
Balenciaga sandals
*All from Distante
Photos by Marija Andrić
Wau...fenomenalan post...sve je fenomenalno!!!!!
Sve si bolja i bolja
Kosa je 👍👌
Lepo receno!
Da li znas kako je Zorannah??
Jedan od boljih outfita
Zna se kako moze biti neko koje izgubio mamu... Treba svi da budemo uz nju i da joj damo podrsku...
Mnogo je pozdravi od mas i reci da bude jaka! Volimo je svi! :( Hvala na odgovoru!
Slazem se , ovo mi je jedno od najboljih tvijih izdanja!
First time commenting on your blog, but I've seen your blog often.
I wanted to add something to this post. I agree with you, that everybody should wear what they want, just because they want. But, when you mention deep decollete, short skirt and tight pants, you should consider that there are women that want to dress just the opposite: shallow decollete, knee length skirt and covered back, and even, covered hair, and they dress like that because that want to. Covered body is WOMEN POWER too. Clothes don't necessarily define the woman.
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