In the past I was fancying only cream ,black , white mixed with gold...
But now? I'm all into colors !
And I must addmit I feel so cheerf:ul!
Yes,this dress made me feel so happy,but also the destination...Montenegro!!
U proslosti sam bila u fazonu kremaste,crne i bele boje...
A sada? Viva la colore!
Moram priznati osecam se bas veselo!
Da,ova me je crvena haljina ucinila bas srecnom kao i destinacija -Crna Gora!
Beautiful shoes!!! :) Nice post:)
I look forward to your advice and opinions on my blog!
WOW, love your outfit, it really rocks!
Ta ti haljina savrseno stoji! Crvena je inace moja omiljena boja, tako da si me ovim outfit-om pogodila u sred duse! ;)
xx, K.
Fenomenalna haljina! Pre pre predivna! :)))
Divna haljinaaa :)!
Bas je lepa haljinica:)
Preslatka haljinica. :))
Hvala svima na divnim komentarima!!
Naj volim crvene haljine!:)))
Idealna haljina! :)
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