7 May 2011

My first fashion article

Najdraži moji, imam tu čast da odnedavno pišem za WANNABE online Magazine!
Danas je objavljen moj prvi tekst koji govori o novom članu modne scene na balkanu - FWSK(fashion weekend Skoplje). Ovo me je učinilo presrećnom! Inače, provela sam pola dana na Adi Ciganliji i divno je bilo!
Prezentujem vam par sličice današnjeg odevnog odabira...

My dearst I have the honour to write articles for very special fashion magazine called WANNABE!
Today was published my first article about the new actor on the fashion Balkan scene-FWSK (fashion weekend Skopje) This made me very happy!!

I spent half of the day on Ada Ciganlija (lake in Bgd) and had such a great time !
Presenting some pictures in todays outfit...

I was wearing:

Berska(pants shirt),  
Swarovski (watch),


Dragana Daša said...

Bravo Lili za tekst!:) čitala sam ga, divne su slike!:)

Marija said...

Super torbica ;)!

sugarhoneybaby said...

Bravo za tekst.Super su slicice:)

Ivanasworld said...

Tekst je prelel i slike su jako lepe :-)

Marija - Victima Perfecta said...

Odlicna torba ;) a fotke su super - sunce, uzivancija, odlican outfit - sve je tu :)))
Idem da vidim textic ;)

Mary said...

Congrats on your fashion article!!
Lovely pics! You look so pretty;)
I just found your blog,it's so cute!I added to your followers:)I'm very glad if you follow me too:)
Enter my new giveaway: you can win $75 Forever 21 giftcard!!

Miss Aggie Kwong said...

u look so chic! brown top and a nice scarf and such a cute bag!

Find me on:
From Catwalk to Classroom.

Anonymous said...

cestitke i od mene :*

KaNini's said...

AAAAAAAAA... pa cestitam! Bravo ti! :) Super mi izgledas na ovim fotkama, tasna je preslatka! Sad odoh citati tekst na wannabe! ;)

fashionBabe said...

super ti je tekst na wannabe..čestitam.. :D drago mi je zbog tebe..
slikice su ti super,posebno mi se sviđa kombinacija marama..osobno sam luda za marama ovo proljeće... :D

Jovana said...

Cestitke za Wannabe :)

Chicca said...

Great shots!!!You look amazing!

Unknown said...

Super post na Wannabe-u. :)

J said...

Svaka cast, cestitam. :)
Mnogo lepe slicice. :))

Chloe Chante Leenheer said...

Nice photo's
Like youre blog
I'm following now!
wanna follow me?

Danielle said...

Great pics, I love your scarf! :)



Anonymous said...

i love your blog!!!
i follow


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