Hehe, kao što već znate, ja sam udata žena i majka predivne ćerkice Tine!
Trenutno boravim u jednom od najdivnijih hotela na crnogorskom primorju i uživam u kupanju, spa centru i šopingu!
Ovde u
Splendidu ima gomilu predivnih radnji i obišla sam ih sve sa Tinom! :)
Moju pažnju je skrenula radnja
Infinity koja se nalazi dole na prizemju na nivou bazena... Toliko divnih komada na jednom mestu, i odlične usluge! Epa nisam odolela da ne kupim nešto, tj gomilu stvari! Imaćete prilike da ih pogledate u narednim objavama.
Ova crna haljina je jedna od njih! Nabavila sam svoj Dolce komad s obzirom da mi je njihova kolekcija omiljena za novu sezonu! Koja je vaša?
Like you already know I'm a married woman and a mother of a beautiful 3 months old dauther Tina!
At the moment I'm staying in one of the most beautiful hotels in Montenegro called Splendid.
I enjoy great spa experience, swimming and shopping!
Here at
Splendid there are great shops and I personally visited all of them with Tina! :)
My attention got the store
Infinity which you can find at the ground foor afront the main elevators.
So pretty clothing on one place and excellent customer care! So I've had to buy something, indeed many stuff!
This black dress is one of them! I got my Dolce clothing piece concidering it's my favourite clothing line for this season! Which one is yours?