28 Feb 2012

Exclusive styling for FASHION AND FRIENDS magazine

Predstavljam vam konzumaciju novih trendova za sezonu proleće-leto 2012 sa gledišta tri studentkinja Accademia Del Lusso

Ovo su ekskluzivne fotogarfije sa slikanja editorijala za magazin Fashion and Friends i kombinacije nastale u saradnji sa mojim koleginicama Ivom Nikolić i Petrom Kosnić. 
Volela bih da spodelim s vama kako smo došli do finalnog izbora odevnih kombinacija...

S obzirom da smo imali jako malo vremena za izbor odeće, i ograničenje na radnju Fashion and Friends i Guess zadovoljne smo sa finalnim ishodom.
Pastelne boje kao najveći color trend ove sezone su u najavi, sudaraju se elegantni i casual stil.
Pišite mi kako se ovo vama dopada i šta biste odavde možda kupili? 

Ovo su rezultati:

Moj favorit- levo

idealno za noćni izlazak

Elegantno i casual

Kombinezon Liu Jo mi je must ove sezone

Pastelna bajka

Tri opasnice :)
Favorit- Roze Guess haljina, 

ODEĆA: Fashion and friends, Guess
NAKIT: Dve Šmizle

Kompletan popis stvari kao i imena fotografa, šminkera i frizera možete naći u štampanom magazinu Fashion and Friends koji dolazi kao besplatni primerak uz Playboy i magazin Grazia ili ga možete nabaviti odlsakom u jednu od njihovih radnji. Kombinacije ostalih studenata takođe možete nači tamo.

Posebne zahvalnosti našem profesoru stajlinga Ashoku Murtyju i kompaniji Fashion.

18 Feb 2012

Among my favourites designers: Peter Pilotto

Famed London design duo Peter Pilotto and Christopher de Vos are loved for their pioneering prints.
I'm among the lovers! The mix of the cut and print are exiting.
You see all over he collection the spirit of nature and geometry in a stylized way.
Explore the S/S 2012 collection in the further pictures and find out why I become their admirer.
Famozni dizajnerski duo Petar Piloto i Krisofer De Vos je poznat prepoznatljiv i voljen po njihovim pionirskim printovima.
Ja sam među obožavaocima! Mikstura njihovih krojeva i printova je veličanstvn!
Može se svuda u kolekciji zapaziti prožimajuća priroda i geometrija na stilizovan način.
Pogledajte njihovu proleće-leto 2012. kolekciju i saznajte zašto su vredni divljenja!

Nicholas Kirkwood for Peter Pilotto

The designers

13 Feb 2012


Now for the last of celeb week!
Some great wardrobes of celebrities...or people who have neough $$ for a fantastic one!
Not that you have to be cashed up to have a great wardrobe~
see my tips at the end of the post!

Mariah...Couldnt leave this one out!
I know shes a bit nuts but you have to love a woman who claims she works out in stillettos! 

Nikki Hilton
love that she has matched her outfit to the hangers for the shoot
2 nice items for the dream wardrobe,
1.a nice chair to sit on whist putting on fab heels
2. fresh flowers!
I love the central storage - id keep my accessories in here!
With drawer inserts for jewellery.
Aerin Lauder - LOVING that desk too!
A study/wardrobe room would be a nice way to surround yourself with things you love!
Now this is my style!
Mirrored central unit, orchid & a shoe wall!
Mirrored doors not only create space but are an obvious feature for a wardrobe!
Also love the chandeliers, natural lighting & central ottoman in here!
Great colours & Love those doors!

(i think id prefer to have most things hidden behind doors though)

& last but not least
.....we all know this one right?!?!
You dont have to be totally cashed up to have a great wardrobe though! Here are some tips to keep your wardrobe in order!
1. A 6 monthy 'cull'
If you dont love it, wear it or need it put it in a clothing bin for someone not as fortunate
OR sell things on ebay! I do this regulary & then you can make a bit of extra cash!
2. Good Hangers
Those wire hangers are not good for our clothes!
(& let face it they're ugly!)
The best hangers for your clothes are wooden ones - they arent expensive as you think - ikea have packs of 10 for about $8, or there are thicker white plastic ones at bunnings that will also be better for your clothes (& eyes) than the wire ones!
3. Shoe Racks
Lets try to keep our shoes in order & not in a pile!
This way you can easily see what you have & keep them in good condition.
Shoe racks can be purhcases at ikea, freedom, bunnings etc & sit at the bottom of your cupboard OR you could put in MDF shelves (very easy) and display your shoes in an open section!
4. Bags
Some of us spend a fair bit on bags, so when they are in the cupboard keep them in the dustbags they came in to keep them looking good!
5. Accessories
Keep scarves, belts etc in their own drawer or basket.
I store mine in a hanging shoe storage unit so i can see them all!
Ikea have some GREAT accessories storage items at the moment!
i especially love the felted pull out (they come with runners) jewellery stoarage comparments!

5 Feb 2012

Honeymoon Destination: MONACO

We were modest. :)
We picked maybe the most smallest country in the whole world called Monaco! Its total area is 2.05 km2  Monaco is a principality governed under a form of constitutional monarchy, with Prince Albert II as head of state
Our exact location was Monte Carlo, Hotel De Paris!
I would decribe Monaco as a place with beautiful architecture, awsome shopping and people with great taste for fashion! 
Special experience was the famous Casino, which was next to our hotel. We saved this moment for the last night of our honeymoon :) 
Interesting fact is that the people of Monaco are not allowed by law to enter the casino.
For the end I would say that we had great time! I can't wait to visit Monaco once again!

Bili smo skromni. :)
Za destinaciju medenog meseca odabrali smo Monako možda najmanju zemlju koja postoji na svetu!
Monako, čija  ukupna površina iznosi 2.05 km2 . je kneževina na čelu sa princom Albertom II. 
Naša tačna lokacija je bio Monte Caro, hotel Pariz (Hotel de Paris)!
Opisala bih Monte Carlo kao grad sa divnom arhitekurom, odličnim šopingom i ljudima sa dobrim ukusom za modu!
Posebno iskustvo za nas je bio odlazak u famozni kazino! Njega smo ostavili za poslednje veče našeg medenog meseca! :) Zanimljivi fakt je da građanima Monte Carla nije dozvoljen boravak u kazinu.
Za kraj bih rekla da smo poneli divne uspomene odatle i da jedva čekam ponovni odlazak u Monaco!

Hotel de Paris

My Prince

The view from our hotel room
With the famous casino in background, and the twisting mirror of Anish Kapoor

Grace Kelly district

Sweet desire
Firework for the national day of Monaco

The famous "Le Bar American", Monte Carlo

2 Feb 2012

My Wedding Fairytale in MACEDONIA

Ovom prilikom delim sa vama najdivnije i najradosnije trenutke u mom životu, MOJ DAN VENČANJA!
Crkveno venčanje se dogodilo u Skoplju u mom rodnom gradu. A zatim je sledilo venčanje u Crnoj Gori gde sam uzela suprugovo prezime! U Skoplju sam nosila dve haljine. Jednu za crkveno venčanje a drugu za prosalvu koja se dogodila kasnije. Uživajte u fotografijama...
 With great happines I'm sharing with you a few of the most joyful moments in my life, MY WEDDING DAY! The church weeding took place at Skopje, Macedonia, afterwards we celabrate it also in Montenegro where I took my husbands surname. In Skopje I wore to different dresses, one for the church wedding and the other for the celbration that followed. Enjoy the pictures..

VENČANICE/wedding dresses: SALON "ALHEMIJA" Beograd
Venčanica br 1: Pronovias, br. 2 Yolan Cris.
CIPELE/shoes: LE SILLA (radnja "Positive" Beograd)
BURME/wedding rings: "PETIT GENEVE-PETROVIĆ" Beograd

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